Announcement: Birthday – 90th and every 5 after

This form should be filled out by the family (preferred), pastor, or church secretary.
Please Note: Before announcements will be printed, they must be approved by a member of the family.

    Contact Information:

    * Required


    Daytime Phone:*


    Approved by:*


    Announcement Information:


    (please include woman's maiden name if known)


    Date of Birth:*


    Place of Residence:*

    (please include city and province)

    Number of Children:

    Number of Grandchildren:

    Number of Great-grandchildren:

    Number of Great-great-grandchildren:

    Please write a short description of the celebration, including place and date (if different from birth date):

    If you would like to include a picture, please send a high-resolution picture to us using our Upload Centre. Be sure to include the person’s name in the file description.

    Deadlines for announcements are two months prior to publication. Announcements will be edited by the Messenger to fit our format. Those who desire something other than our standardized format, please contact us for information about our paid “Tributes”.