Conference Coordinators may now use the form below to submit campmeeting information online. If you have more than 10 speakers, please submit a second form. If you have any additional questions, please contact us.
The June issue is typically reserved as our Campmeeting Issue, so please submit all information and photos no later than April 1.
Photo Requirements:
- Required resolution of 300 dpi
- JPEG or TIF file format (JPEGs are smaller and faster to send)
- Colour photos preferred
- Any head size larger than 3/4 inch
- Clear focus
- No other people in the background
Upload a high-resolution photo of each speaker to our upload centre. Be sure to include their name in the file description, as file names are not retained in the uploading process.
If you experience difficulties with the online form or prefer another format, you may download our PDF version and submit by email, fax, or mail.