First Filipino-Canadian Church Holds Children’s Stewardship Retreat
On Feb. 10, 2018, at Guelph Bible Centre, the First Filipino-Canadian Adventist Church’s children’s ministries, in partnership with the stewardship department, launched the first children’s stewardship program during its annual winter retreat. This new initiative…

SDACC Appoints New Indigenous Ministries Liaison
On September 25, 2018, the Board of Directors for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC) selected Campbell Page to serve as the Coordinator/Liaison for Indigenous Ministries in Canada. Page, a registered Métis, holds a…

Free Money to Fund Adventist University Education
Did you know that the Canadian government wants to help you send your son or daughter to an Adventist university? (Actually, any university—but Adventist education is no exception.) Could you use some free money to…

Where Are They Now: Fitzroy Maitland
Messenger catches up with former leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. In this issue we talk with Fitzroy Maitland. What was your childhood like growing up in the Caribbean? I was born in…

Where Are They Now: Doug Devnich
Messenger catches up with former leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. This month, we talk with Doug Devnich. You grew up in Saskatchewan. What was that like? I am the eighth…

The Long Road Home
CUC’s chaplain, Paul Antunes, knows what it means to come a long way. As a young boy, he emigrated with his family from Portugal and witnessed his father’s struggle with language and search for Bible…

It’s All About Jesus
I can’t recall whether I was taken aback or whether I simply took it in stride. A visiting member from south of the border approached me after the service to thank me for the message.…