Deploying Technology in the Battle Against Poverty

Deploying Technology in the Battle Against Poverty

Did you know that approximately 925 million people will go to bed hungry tonight? And that every day almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes? That’s one child every five seconds! Instead of merely talking…

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Big Changes

Liza Imanzi, Pre-Med, Montreal, Que. There have been a lot of changes in Liza Imanzi’s life. Coming from Rwanda to Montreal in 2007 with her family was just the beginning. Raised by loving Catholic parents…

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“What We Think”: Young Adults on the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada

Putting action to its words, the SDACC Board of Directors invited a young adult representative to its recent year-end meetings to speak of the needs of that demographic of the church membership. Faith Calaminos, a…

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President’s Perspective – New Year, New President, But a Steady Vision

I’m excited about what God is doing across Canada! I wish you could join me as I travel throughout our country from St. John’s to Victoria and hear the stories God’s people are telling about His power and His ability to change lives. Today, however, I’d like to share with you four fundamentals that I…

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New Member Profile: Pam Guiboche’s “Walk of Obedience”

Pam Guiboche’s incredible journey with God began at 19 years old when she cried out to God, “If You exist, I need to know.” A few minutes later, Pam got her answer; she looked up…

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Teen Talk—No Shortcuts

This is my last year of college. I don’t have a job and I’m running out of money to pay my school bills. I’ve sent so many applications, but nothing! Then, finally, last week I got an interview and they want to hire me. The problem is that they are asking me to work on…

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techKNOWLEDGEy: Tweet, Tweet, Twitter, Twitter

Throughout history, the communication of information has always been very important. An online source states, “The history of communication is mankind’s search for ways to improve upon shouting.”[1] Understandably, the lack of communication has often…

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