Vacation Bible School’s Transformational Power
Vacation Bible School at Westbank church in West Kelowna, B.C., in 2017 had the most successful turnout in their 40-year church history. A record turnout of 61 children, which was up by about 50 percent…

Celebrating 15 Years of Repairing Homes and Restoring Lives!
A family’s life has been changed in the Township of Langley, B.C., for the past 15 years. This has happened each year on Victoria Day. For 15 spring seasons, the Acts of Kindness Ministry’s Extreme…

He Knows My Name: Hundreds of Women Commune with Jesus in Beautiful Muskoka
During the peak of fall, as the crisp leaves drift toward the ground, the women of Ontario Conference enjoy an annual weekend escape. This year, the Young Women’s and Women’s retreat was nestled along the…

Adventist University of the Philippines Alumni of Western North America 46th Annual Convention
The Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP) has humble beginnings in educating and preparing missions-oriented people to become efficient workers in all the various branches of Christian service and ultimately to prepare for citizenship in…

How God Protected Blessed Hope Church
As I was reading the news one morning about the Vegas shooting, I couldn’t help but imagine how terrifying it must have been. It will always be a reminder of the horrors of a world…

Pastors’ and Principals’ Retreat
The 2018 Pastors’ and Principals’ Retreat was held at Camp Hope with the theme of “The Pastoral Couple.” Claudio and Pamelyn Consuegra of the North American Division office of Family Ministries led the pastoral couples…

Berea Beacon’s Paint Night
On a recent Sabbath evening, about a dozen people sat in pairs and trios in the Parlor at the Berea Seventh-day Adventist Church, just off the corner of Sherbourne and Carlton, downtown Toronto for Pathfinders’ Paint…