Legal Notice: 18th SDACC Quinquennial Session
Notice is hereby given that the 18th Regular Meeting of the Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada will be held at the College Heights Church on the campus of Burman University in Lacombe,…

The Adventist Learning Community
The Adventist Learning community (ALC) is a new web-based initiative of the North American Division (NAD) with the goal of utilizing online distance education technology for all kinds of ministerial and educational training and resourcing.…

Park Manor Care Leadership Opportunity
Park Manor Care is an Adventist managed long term care home for 100 residents within the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference, and a member of CALTCA – the Canadian Adventist Long Term Care Association of 7 Adventist nursing…

British Columbia Conference Elects New President
ABBOTSFORD, BC – On January 24, 2016, the Board of Directors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (British Columbia Conference) unanimously elected Dr. Wesley Torres to be their next conference president. Torres will succeed current…

Radio Pioneer VOAR Celebrates 85th Anniversary
Mount Pearl, NL, Oct 22, 2015 – October 2015 marks the 85th anniversary of VOAR Christian Family Radio, headquartered in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The “VO” call sign designates VOAR as one of…

Welcome to Texas: A Review of the 60th General Conference Session
Welcome to Texas The 60th General Conference (GC) Session was held from July 2-11, meeting for the first time in San Antonio, Tex. During those 10 days, tens of thousands of Adventists from around…

Evangelistic Series in Ottawa Triggers a Synergy of Churches, Members for Mission
— It Is Written Canada Speaker/Director Chris Holland presented during the Discover Hope evangelistic series in Ottawa, Ont. “There will be no more tears in heaven,” reminded Pastor Chris Holland, speaker/director of the…