Youth attendance at Manitoba-Saskatchewan Campmeeting
Young people were everywhere on the campgrounds of the Man-Sask Campmeeting. And it gave such a ‘fresh air’ feeling to the campmeeting. Even in sharing a simple meal, they were able to make it something…

Gordon Pifher Accepts Call to NPUC
Dan Jackson, president of the North American Division (NAD), announced August 11, 2011 that “Gordon Pifher, president of the British Columbia Conference, has accepted an invitation of the North Pacific Union Conference Executive Committee to…

Canadians Mourn Slain Teacher
Suzette (Stanley) York, principal of Memphis Junior Academy in Memphis, Tenn., was found dead in a classroom of the school she led yesterday morning. A grade 11 student has been charged with her killing. Suzette…

ABW Responds to Severe African Drought
For more photos related to this story, click here. Last week the United Nations appealed to the international community for emergency aid as East Africa faces severe drought and famine putting about 10 million people at…

Postmodernism in Manitoba-Saskatchewan
This title could induce error. No, postmodernism is not coming to Manitoba-Saskatchewan. It is already present there and almost everywhere in most developed countries. Man is becoming more and more alienated, and his search for…

A Servant Leadership
Pastor David Gunzman, a new youth director of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference, shared with the audience the wonderful experience of Mirna. She is a young mother who had known God in the past, and had now…

Water, Spirit, and the Word
Every pastor dreams about baptismal ceremonies. The reason is simple: every pastor wants to follow God’s command, and he or she wants to see God’s power in the lives of all those around him. All…