Maritime Session: Re-election of Officers
On Saturday evening, May 14, the 47th Session of the Maritimes Conference re-elected John Fournier, president, Mogens Sorensen, Vice President for Administration, and Ed Sharpe, Vice-President for Finances, for the next quadrennial. On Sunday the…

Carmelle Bussey: Legal ‘reinforcement’
The legal department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada traditionally receives a valuable contribution through the services of students involved in studies at law schools. This occurs during their summer vacation. A formula of…

Prayer Breakfast with Members of Parliament
Mark Johnson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist in Canada, was invited with other denominational leaders to a prayer breakfast with the members of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa (May 19, 2011). This event is offered…

Japan in Crisis: ADRA Responds
THE DISASTER “I feel so happy because I am alive and I have a house to live in. There are so many people in harsher conditions. ADRA providing food, twice, even once a day, makes…

Helping Children in Calgary
Jacqueline Clarke had been watching 3ABN and discovered a new community services project called “It’s My Very Own: Bags of Love.” Bags of Love is a project that supplies the immediate necessities to displaced children,…

Messenger Contest
For the first time in its history, the Canadian Adventist Messenger is holding a contest. Readers are being asked to carefully peruse the PRINT VERSION of our April 2011 issue to find our stylized ‘M’…

ADRA at Work in Japan
Working closely with the local government, ADRA Japan is preparing for the management of displacement centres caring for some of the more than 370,000 children, women, and men who were evacuated from their homes that…