iServe Kelowna Helps Hurricane Dorian Victims

iServe Kelowna Helps Hurricane Dorian Victims

Frantically, Mike Carter, a Kelowna chef, called all his former employees in the Bahamas after he heard about the devastating hurricane. However, only one person was able to answer the phone; it would be a…

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Adventist Woman Recognized for Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Alberta

It is an honour to congratulate Tabitha Phiri for winning a Diversity Award for her passion to foster diversity and inclusion in Alberta. She is an outstanding citizen who has committed the last decade of her life to making Alberta a welcoming province for all.             Over the last six years, Phiri has coordinated three…

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Ontario Conference Campmeeting Celebrates 120 Years

Did you know that the Ontario Conference traces its origins 120 years back to a campmeeting held June 15, 1899, in London, Ont.? And at this year’s campmeeting, held at the International Centre in Mississauga…

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ADRA Responds to Hurricane Dorian

The Canadian Union of Seventh-day Adventists and ADRA Canada are saddened by the events unfolding in the Bahamas. Hurricane Dorian’s fury wreaked unprecedented damage.  Many have been killed or injured.  Over 72,000 people are in need of urgent assistance.  Over 13,000 homes have been badly damaged. The full extent of the damage is not yet…

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Single Moms’ Oil Change

For 16 years Acts of Kindness has been blessing single moms in the community of Langley and Aldergrove, B.C., with a free oil change. This year over 60 single moms and their children came to…

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Kelowna’s 43rd Annual Campmeeting

The Okanagan Christian School gymnasium in Kelowna was a packed house on May 10 and 11 as the crowd eagerly awaited to hear conference evangelist Anil Kanda, speaker for Kelowna’s 43rd annual mini campmeeting.            …

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Michael Collins Elected New Man-Sask Conference President

Release Date: July 25, 2019 SASKATOON, SK- On July 14, 2019 the Board of Directors of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference elected Michael Collins as the next conference president after David Ripley’s decision to begin retirement. Collins…

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