On Dec. 1, 2018, at Oakwood University, Ontario Conference president, Dr. Mansfield Edwards, was awarded The Flame Award for 2018 by the North American Division Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries department.
Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries (ACM) has been a department of the NAD since 1984, but they have been endorsing Adventist chaplains since World War II. The ACM endorses credentialed pastors to chaplaincy in six different categories: campus (post-secondary schools), community (law enforcement agencies, disaster and emergency response, government legislatures), corrections (prisons), health care (hospitals and assisted living facilities), military (armed forces), and workplace institutions or organizations (airports, businesses, sports organizations). There are currently over 700 chaplains within the NAD. It is among this field of chaplains that Edwards was awarded one of three awards for his excellent service as an outstanding chaplain.
Mark Johnson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada remarks, “We appreciate the excellent contribution of Mansfield Edwards to the field of chaplaincy ministry in the Greater Toronto Area as recognized by the NAD. Through ministry to the public and local law enforcement in times of peace as well as times of crisis, a great work can be done by our serving chaplains.”
Edwards has served as chaplain for the York Regional Police since 2004.