An excellent trio from the Maritime Conference, the Slaunwhite Sisters, presented an impressive spiritual concert to the Newfoundland Session delegates. Their music, sharing the profound transcendental message and inspiration of Christ’s life, made a tremendous impact on the audience. The freshness of their melodies and the stream of rich string sounds was a blessing to all. Through their ministry, we spent a Sabbath afternoon dreaming about seeing Jesus ‘when the trumpet shall sound’. These musical talents helped us remember our identity and our hope in a very poetic and pleasant-sounding way. We also appreciate the spiritual message, the experiences and new perspectives of “the faith that was entrusted to God’s holy people.” May the exchange of talents between two institutions, the Newfoundland Mission and the Maritime Conference, continue for the glory of our heavenly Father and for the accomplishment of the mission given to us at the end of times. (D.S.)