John Bradshaw, the senior pastor at College Place Seventh-day Adventist Church in College Place, Wash., has just been appointed speaker/director of It Is Written, taking over for Shawn Boonstra who has been speaker/director for the past seven years.
It was announced last week that Boonstra, a native of British Columbia and former speaker/director for It Is Written Canada, was stepping down due to failing health. In a statement published on the It Is Written website, Boonstra denied claims that he has cancer or any other life-threatening disease.
“Am I struggling with my health? There is no question about it. That part of the story is true. In recent months, I’ve faced some particularly difficult challenges—challenges that have made it difficult for me to stay on top of my rather broad duties as the Speaker/Director of It Is Written.” Because of that difficulty, on December 5, the It Is Written administration and the North American Division agreed to place Boonstra on a “sabbatical leave” for the sake of his recovery, assuring the public that a new speaker/director would be found very quickly.

On December 10, Bradshaw accepted the call to leadership at It Is Written. Please visit their website to read the full story and to see how It Is Written will continue to focus on evangelistic endeavours throughout this transition.