On August 21, 2016, the delegates and delegates at large attending the quinquennial session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC) voted the following directors to serve for the upcoming term:
Director of Education – Betty Bayer
Director, PARL – Grace Mackintosh
Director, Health Benefits – Lori Dooks
Director, Retirement – Marilyn Pazitka
The delegates and delegates at large voted to refer the selection of the Associate Director of Education to the SDACC Board of Directors at the recommendation of the newly elected Director of Education. Troy McQueen, of the Alberta Conference, declined the invitation to the position of communication director, but is currently working with SDACC administration on a coordinated social media strategy. The role of communication director will be decided by the SDACC Board of Directors.
The 18th quinquennial session of the SDACC was held at the College Heights Church on the campus of Burman University in Lacombe Alberta from August 19, 2016 to August 21, 2016. The purpose of the session is to receive reports from various entities of the SDACC and to elect officers, directors, associate/assistant directors, and board members. Delegates and delegates at large attend the session – each respectively representing a local conference, SDACC committees, the North-American Division (NAD), and the Church.