What a picture!
2016-2017 – 1 teacher
2017-2018 – 2 teachers
2018-2019 – 3 teachers
And it all started with a mustard seed of FAITH from the constituents of the Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church to continue their support of Pleasant Valley Christian Academy.
Now, it hasn’t been a ride without its bumps. Actually, we have had several bumps. And BIG ONES! But we, the staff and constituents of PVCA, have clung to our Saviour and continue to do so. We recognize our own human weaknesses and depend on God for His strength and wisdom.
We recognize this school does not belong to us or to the church. It belongs to God. We truly believe He has a purpose for our little school. And we just want to be a part of it. We feel honoured to be a part of it.
And we don’t pray for numbers of students! Because God can supply the NEEDS of His school no matter the numbers of students we have.
No, we pray for this: that God send us students whom we can help and who will be a blessing to our little community. If we feel challenged by a student’s needs, we pray about it and ask God to help us find ways to work with that student. We have been able to keep every single one of our students this year! We are so happy for that and so are our students and families!
What is the best part about our partnership with God, you might ask?
We are NOT the only school being blessed!
It is so easy to get caught up in our own little world. But God has shown us other Seventh-day Adventist school communities that are also enjoying participating in God’s amazing plans.
Jesus is coming soon! Together we are working to prepare our children to have that essential and ultimate relationship with God!
Join us in our prayers for ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS!