Strong commitment for the Adventist Chaplaincy Ministry

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada had the privilege of receiving a visit from the ACM leaders of the North America Division. Elder Gary Councell, director of Chaplaincy for the worldwide church, Larry Roth, assistant Director, and Chaplain Oliver Johnson from Edmonton, Alberta spent the morning of June 23, 2011 in a positive dialogue with the SDACC officers. This conversation was more than helpful for the church in Canada, where the leaders and the Board of Directors aspire to organize the work of chaplaincy under the direction of Pastor Brian Hawes, from British Columbia. There is no doubt that the testimonies, the good advice and the many experiences shared by these three gentlemen, will aid the SDACC to facilitate the implementation of a strong vision for chaplaincy in Canada. In fact, we need to have a presence in all aspects of this important work: military, prisons, hospitals, and schools. We hope that very soon, we can present the new Canadian team and their priorities for the Chaplaincy Ministry in Canada. (D.S.)