The first meeting of the Quebec Conference’s newly elected Board of Directors took place on Sunday, Oct. 23, chaired by the SDACC president, Mark Johnson, who was accompanied by Daniel (Dragan) Stojanovic, the SDACC executive secretary. On this occasion the board learned that the president-elect, Pastor Yves Monnier, announced that after he and his wife had taken time to earnestly pray about it, because of difficult family circumstances, they were unable to come and serve the Quebec Conference.
Hence, the first decision that the board needed to make was to elect a president for the Quebec Conference. The ideal person was described as a spiritual and visionary servant-leader who is evangelistic and people focused with managerial and leadership skills and who is working for the unity of the conference. With prayer and careful consideration, the board voted to elect Kwasi Ansah-Adu as the Quebec Conference president.
Pastor Adu has served for over 18 years in Ghana as pastor, president, secretary, and treasurer in three

conferences, as well as general manager of the publishing house in West Africa. Having come to the Quebec Conference in 2007, he has served as pastor and ministerial director before being called to the presidency. He humbly accepted the task stating that he relies on the grace of God and on our support to accomplish it to the glory of God.
As Adu had previously been elected executive secretary by the Constituency, this position was now to be filled by the board. In the same prayerful manner, they elected Lucian Stefanescu as the Quebec Conference Executive Secretary. The first thing after the election was a joint prayer of the board members for Pastor Adu, Pastor Stefanescu, and Miss Abiola Arthur (treasurer), who kneeled down before the Lord, knowing that He is the source of all wisdom, strength, and blessing.
The board continued to fill two vacant positions. Kavan Roy Shand, first elder of the Mount Zion Seventh-day Adventist Church, was voted to replace Samuel Colas. Pastor Joseph Batiancila, of the Montreal Filipino and Mount Carmel Filipino churches, was voted to fill the board position formerly occupied by Lucian Stefanescu.
We encourage each church to take a moment to pray for the leadership and Board of the Quebec Conference just as Jesus did for His desciples: “That they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me” (John 17:21, NLT).